Who is now the most boring boxer in your opinion?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Nopporn, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Sug3

    Sug3 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Nov 10, 2006
    Miguel Vasquez
  2. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    Nah. He is a stick-and-move defensive jab specialist, which not everybody likes, but at least he boxes clean.

    Someone like a Carlos Molina or to an even greater extent Richar Abril or Sergio Mora is worse to watch because of all the constant spoiling, in Molina's case holding and hitting and in Abril's case alternating between running, diving and clinching. When guys like Abril or Mora fight, nothing happens for long stretches as they negate the offense of their opponent while generating next to none themselves.

    At least with El Titere he is scoring jabs and being the ring general in a clean manner using footwork and general awareness.
  3. Overhill

    Overhill Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 28, 2010
    Unbelievable how often some butthurt dickhead decides to make a 'most boring'-thread on ESB.
    20 times more of these than 'most exciting'-ones.

    Kovalev is the most exciting.
  4. Kush

    Kush Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Abril, Wlad and Alexander
  5. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    Well, is that disproportionate with reality? Are exciting boxers far more common than boring ones IYO?

    JASPER Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 21, 2007
    Am I the only one who likes Abril:conf
  7. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    No, surprisingly. I have seen people say they like his style, oddly enough. Some even consider him a "textbook counter-puncher" in the vein of Mayweather; IMO he is absolutely 100% nothing of the sort. :conf

    He spends 2:55 of every round spoiling like mad, and maybe five seconds throwing counter punches. When he throws 'em, yeah, they're sharp and pretty good...but...

    Too high a proportion of what he does is just messy negative bull****, IMO, not actual boxing artistry.
  8. Miles5149

    Miles5149 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 30, 2007
    Kevin Johnson
    Richard Abril
    Ishe Smith
    Sergio Mora

    How could you vote for half of these guys when there are clearly so many more boring boxers out there?
  9. jas

    jas ★ Legends: B-HOP ; PAC ★ Full Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    i voted wlad because he has panic attacks on the inside and starts throwing a grabbing hissy fit. other people dont grab for that reason. e.g hopkins clinches and punches at same time.
  10. jas

    jas ★ Legends: B-HOP ; PAC ★ Full Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    and how the fk is lara boring smfh....criminal to include him in the poll.
  11. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    I feel compelled to defend Sugar Shay and not just because we're Facebook buddies. HeIis featherfisted but not really boring as a rule. I mean he can be depending on the matchup but with the right dance partner he can be a good watch.

    To be listed with those others I think someone needs to be consistently, nearly always noring. Shay just ain't that, he gets a bad rap from a couple of dud nights which might be tthe only times some folks have seen him.
  12. A|C|S

    A|C|S The original |A|C|S| Full Member

    Oct 17, 2013
  13. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    Lara or Rigondeaux for that matter.

    The classic Cubano style is only boring if you don't like to engage your brain while spectating prizefights.
  14. JASPER

    JASPER Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 21, 2007
    My god, he is no Mayweather . . . perhaps I was ecstatic that he schooled the highly overrated Rios. Usually, I like to see up and comers to perform well but Rios was getting extremely unwarranted praise at the time and I knew Abril would show everyone what was up.
  15. jas

    jas ★ Legends: B-HOP ; PAC ★ Full Member

    Jan 14, 2011

    yea, i enjoyed rigo schooling donaire