Why do you think Canelo isn't better liked?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by newby johnson, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. UniversalPart

    UniversalPart Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Beterbiev can also wrestle. Did you see how he THREW 6ft3 190lb Gvozdyk to the ground THREE times?

    The only people crying will be the 70,000 Canslo fans in the audience as Beterbiev ragdolls him in a clinch and knocks him out with a 6" left look like he did to Tavoris Cloud.
  2. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Easy answer He juiced up to look like a minature hulk too much muscle thats why he gssed. Plus the whuppin' GGG was giving him
    iii likes this.
  3. m.s.

    m.s. Boxing Addict Full Member

    Nov 2, 2010
    No i don't think all of Canelo's fights are fixed at all. What i am telling you is what i thought at the time, i didnt know there was such a skill and speed difference, it was shocking. I had no agenda whatsoever. At the time i thought Trout was robbed and it seemed like Angulo took a dive. In retrospect Canelo was just that much better than Angulo. I didnt want to think that kind of thing happens in the sport i enjoy watching. I watched it severel times trying to convince myself it wasn't fixed. As for Hagler vs Leonard, at that time i was a relatively young fan and really only saw Hagler vs Duran,Roldan,Hamsho, Hearns, Mugabi, and then finally Leonard. At the time, to me Hagler didn't look like he was stepping on the gas as much as he should. Sometimes Hagler was missing his shots by alot even when he had Leonard cornered, it looked strange knowing how accurate Hagler was vs Hearns and Mugabi. I never said i thought someone threatened Hagler, but it went through my mind about the Angulo because it was such a mismatch. Knowing how good Canelo is today, it makes sense, at the time i didnt know he was that much better than Angulo. I didnt notice it as much in the live broadcast with Hagler vs Leonard but i noticed it when watching it on tape. In retrospect Hagler was going against a difficult style, he also looked lethargic against Duran so its believable. It was a close fight.
  4. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    You stupid boy! Ginger popped dirty he had the banned drug Clenbuterol in his system. He was found guilty & suspended for 6 months. This makes him a proven Ped's abuser. Canelo is a juicer, everyone knows it, but clowns like you still worship him like little 13 yr old girls swoon over Justin Beiber ROFLMAO!!
    I find it laughable that you still idolize a PROVEN Ped's Abuser
    iii likes this.
  5. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Yeah little teenage girls mainly ROFL! REAL fight fans know him for the fraud he is Its just casuals that know no better or lemmings like you guys
  6. scandcb

    scandcb Active Member Full Member

    Jun 9, 2020
    Because he's overrated, received the benefit of the doubt from the judges more than once, has a questionable history with PEDs, and isn't a particularly nice character.

    It's not exactly rocket science.
  7. Richmondpete

    Richmondpete Real fighters do road work Full Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    Seems like there are plenty of people willing to tune into his fights
    Pimp C likes this.
  8. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    He wasn't "found guilty" you're a riot, you just make up anything you want don't you. There was no "trial" over a drug test, there was an automatic suspension policy by the NSAC. Now that policy no longer exist, the NSAC's policy was outdated, they did not adopt the WADA guidelines over contaminated meat until after they suspended Alvarez. I try very hard not to idolize any athlete, I am as unbiased as I can but it's hard not to respect or appreciate Canelo he is great for the sport and has taken boxing to new heights. He just broke the indoor attendance record that's a major accomplishment. Canelo has major drawing power is at the pinnacle of the sport and it's too bad that you can't appreciate greatness.
  9. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Really its a shame for Canelo The kid can fight thats for sure. But its a shame he got tangled up in the Corruption that was , & still is, rife in Vegas
    Oscar, The NSAC, Vegas boxing & their officials combined to give him several "wins" he did not really deserve. He had several very close fights yet always came away with a favorable decision. The only loss on his bogus record was to Floyd & Floyd was still cash cow then.
    He will never be regarded as one of the greatest mexican fighters simply because of the suspicion of cowardice when he ducked GGG & handed the title back instead
    iii likes this.
  10. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Momento mori Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
  11. gdm

    gdm Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    I will give Clen credit if he takes on beterbiev now and not 3 years from now.
    C.J. likes this.
  12. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Contentious decisions that fans disagree with, accusations of corruption are part of boxing history. For you to be so passionate about some decisions that went Canelo's way, that's your passion for the sport. There's nothing wrong with that CJ, but you shouldn't get so caught up in judges decisions and get so bent out of shape over it. There are a lot of reasons why Canelo won those fights that you consciously ignore. He outclassed GGG both times, as a much younger man he showed more poise than the overrated hype machine GGG. Canelo dethroned your idol GGG and YOU can't get over it.
  13. 22JM

    22JM Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 10, 2016
    Nope wrong as usual, Canelo was already hated since he's name started to get famous.
  14. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Me too But he wont
    gdm likes this.
  15. 22JM

    22JM Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 10, 2016
    In order be be loved especially in here is to fight bums all your career ask ggg