Why is there so much controversy over Canelo?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by LobsterAndCrack, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. kerrminator

    kerrminator Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Everytime I hear a Bill withers tune I call him Tim due to the Name. lol
  2. GGGunbeatable

    GGGunbeatable Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 14, 2014
    He's young, a proud Mexican, rich, good looking and unstoppable in the ring. No one is going to defeat this version of Canelo. Past or present.

    Lota of guys want to see him fail.
  3. kerrminator

    kerrminator Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    It was JMM v Katsidis that eventually changed my fave ever fighter from Cotto to JMM lol. It was Morales before Cotto(i change every few years lol) When I was falconer I had a hawk called I named after him called Erik. (the Pere in the profile pic was called Mortimer but he had that namewhen I got him lol)

    To the OP If you are new to boxing I would search for some classic fights threads and give them a watch. eg. Castillo v Corales and Gatti v Ward. Theres loads of great fights to watch (you'll find a lot of them on youtube)
  4. deyell

    deyell MOLECULE FROM HELL. Full Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Yeah Canelo needed a lot of time acclimating to go up from 155 to 160! Understandable, that is a huge jump in weight indeed. Fortunately he didn't need to acclimate when he jumped up two divisions, from middle to light heavy to fight the corpse of Kovalev.
    C.J. likes this.
  5. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    ROFLMAO !! Youre either the most naïve person I ever met or youre the classic troll that never gives up. Ginger ducked GGG proving what a coward he was. The great Mexican fans DISOWNED HIM !!!! Named him El Pollo Rojo . No other Mexican boxer has ever been DISOWNED by his own countrymen before . Just look at who like your posts on here ?? The trolls & casuals LOL !! Where are PimpC, JM22 & even IsaL ??? they've all abandoned you pumpkin lol No one that KASAB just Olu making fun of you. Give up youre making an ass of yourself
  6. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
  7. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    A young proud Mexican huh????? ROFL The great Mexican fight fans DISOWNED him after he blatantly ducked GGG & handed the bogus WBC belt back he was holding. He's NEVER LEGITIMATELY won the WBC belt EVER!!!! GGG was robbed TWICE!!. No my friend real fight fans just want to see him give his opponents a 100.% FAIR FIGHT with no blatant Vegas corruption to see what a fake he really is
  8. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    I think it was a matter of him being more cautious back then, he had a team that was advising him to be cautious and back then he was more willing to listen to his team. As the years progressed and he attained more success, he became more confident in his ability to move up in weight, you know after he tasted success doing it in the past. I don't think you can understate how much of a confidence booster it was for him to succeed against GGG. By the time he moved up to fight Kovalev, there had already been a rift forming between him and DLH, and at that point he was more confident in his ability to move up in weight. So he no longer was as cautious as he was back when he was being asked to move up those 5 lbs to fight GGG.

    Think about it like riding a bike. Learning how to ride a bike when you're a kid is hard and scary at first, first you have training wheels because you don't want to lose your balance and fall, then over time you learn how to do with your parents help, then eventually you take the training wheels off and glide on your own for the first time. Then it becomes like second nature to you and once you know how to do it, you don't have to be cautious when riding a bike anymore. Moving up to fight GGG was a bigger challenge than moving up to fight Kovalev, and when Canelo fought GGG he was still developing. When he fought Kovalev, he was seasoned by then and was more comfortable moving up in weight.
    IsaL likes this.
  9. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    There's no evidence or indication whatsoever that the Mexican fight fans disowned him. You made up this nonsense like you do everything else.
    Boo hoo, why don't you cry about it little more. You're a sour puss CJ, why you don't tell the full story beginning to end rather than your little snippets. Canelo meekly and reluctantly vacated that belt, but then lets not forget that he stepped up the very next year and challenged GGG for all the gold. Don't forget that part CJ. I know you like to forget about what actually happened when the two stepped inside the squared circle, but let me remind you, it wasn't at all pretty for GGG and his fans.
    Oh he won it legitimately alright. He beat him by 12 round Majority decision after a controversial draw. GGG was lucky to get that draw after being outclassed the first time, then was out slugged in the rematch. That happened buddy, you can deny it all you want but he took the fight to GGG and walked away with all of GGG's titles becoming a two-time MW Champion. And GGG never ever became Lineal Champ at MW because he could not beat Canelo in two attempts.
  10. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Youre absolutely impossible Doofus lol. Just imagine how embarrassing that must have been for ginger nutt. he bragged in the ring when GGG called him out "OK PUT MY GLOVES BACK ON LETS DO IT NOW AT 160 Us Mexicans FIGHT" !!! But when ordered to defend against GGG at160 lil ginger chickened out instead handed back the bogus 160 belt saying I'M NOT READY FOR 160 " ROFLMAO
    The great Mexican fighters here laughed & declared " He's right about the fact Mexican fighters FIGHT!! cos we have the cojones but he obviously isn't Mexican cos he doesn't have any MEET EL POLLO the Little Red Chicken !!!!!! " ROFLMAO This is the coward you worship pumpkin rofl No wonder this forum has basically disowned you too GINGER WIMP
  11. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    LOL who's decision do you think that was?? Canelo was ready to fight anywhere anytime. But you know he had DLH in his ear telling him to wait and let it marinate. And after what happened when DLH advised him against fighting Mayweather years earlier but Canelo went against DLH and fought him anyway, only to lose, this time Canelo learned that lesson was not gonna make the same mistake twice, this time he was more willing to listen to his team's advice to play it safe, to be cautious, especially when GGG was said to be a killer in the ring. Canelo must have been very conflicted about following DLH's advice there. I'm sure he would much rather have fought GGG right then and there but in the end he took his team's advice which put the fight on hold.

    There's being a warrior and there's being smart. His team needed time to prepare to put on some weight and develop a gameplan for GGG. The gameplan for GGG involved a lot of footwork and movement. Evasion techniques, setting traps. He knew he had to fight GGG carefully the first time, we saw a version of Canelo in that first GGG fight that we've never seen before and we'll probably never see again. Canelo channeled his inner "Muhammad Ali" for that fight, and we saw a classic. Had he rushed into a GGG fight before he was ready it may have turned out differently. I think fans were frustrated that he dropped the belt and put the fight on hold, but no one disowned him lmao you're such a drama queen. Fans understood that he needed time to prepare for GGG to be the best version of himself at Middleweight. Throwing caution to the wind and rushing into that fight could have spelled disaster for Canelo against GGG. He and his team played it smart. Mexicans are known as warriors in the ring but at the same time many say Mexicans don't fight smart and many Mexicans legends are known to "take one to land two" and take too much punishment in the process.

    The difference with Canelo is that not only is he a big puncher with a fan favorite style, but he also has a high boxing IQ. Sometimes you have to play it smart CJ, and that's what Canelo did in regards to GGG. You can criticize him all you want for dropping that belt when he did, it wasn't a good look at the time but there was a plan to come out on top in the end and that's exactly what happened.
  12. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Canelo is just another good brawler with a good chin which is good because he knows all he has to do is be standing at the final bell & he knows he'll never lose in Vegas
  13. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Canelo proved in that first fight how well he could box. He frustrated the hell out of GGG with that movement CJ. GGG never seen anything like it. It was a brilliant strategy because it not only involved footwork, movement and evasion but it also involved loading up on big shots.

    Historically fighters using that kind of footwork and movement don't have the kind of power and punch technique that Canelo possesses. For you to say he's just another brawler with a good chin tells me that you don't pay attention to the finer aspects of boxing. You don't become P4P #1 by just being a good brawler with a good chin. There's plenty of good brawlers with a good chin, none of them reach the level Canelo has. You'd be a fool to deny the kind of skills can has or the success Canelo had against GGG the first time. It was the sweet science mixed with big punching via well-timed counters, which is not something you see very often.
  14. Spongebob south paw pants

    Spongebob south paw pants Active Member Full Member

    Feb 28, 2020
    Someone's opened the canelo can of worms again then. Saying he's just another brawler with a chin is denial, yh had some very close decisions that have gone his way GGG the debate that never dies. He's a well rounded fighter inside outside can be patience and stalk. Does have a lot of attributes don't get why he gets slated on here so much.
  15. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    He gets slated because of the blatant corruption protecting him . he never gives opponents a 100 % fair fight plus the NSAC & Vegas boxing officials cover his ass to make sure he never loses a decision. Its so blatant they don't even try to hide it.