Why Is Tyson Fury's PED Cheating Ignored, While People Disparage Canelo?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Perkin Warbeck, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    I appreciate your balanced & civil response Exocet!

    However what you are saying about my position is inaccurate: again, I am not saying that it is not as a big a problem as you say-& sports like cycling & sprinting rend to be worse-I keep saying the evidence does not show IF say the majority use, most dabble, a minority even dabble-or most use seriously regularly.
    exocet76 likes this.
  2. chacal

    chacal F*** the new normal Full Member

    Jun 21, 2015
    tbh, I dont care about peds anymore. As long as they are not dumb enough to be caught.

    Long time since I accepted that they ALL are on something at top world level.
    Salty Dog, Leeroy84 and Jackomano like this.
  3. exocet76

    exocet76 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Thanks for the clarification on your position. It's something that always interested me from a young age. I think it was the 88' Olympics with Ben Johnson. I was a kid at the time and I remember saying to my older brother that Johnson looked iffy. He was built like a brick shithouse and the whites of his eyes were yellow....he must have been on a stack some of which may not have been detected at the time as testing was hap hazard back then. Although testing started a couple of decades earlier I think 88' it became mandatory for the medalists the likes of Flo Jo retired soon after. So certainly pretty prevalent before that period. I also remember the US burying some of Carl Lewis's drug results in the 80's as he was the poster boy at that point for athletics. It's just in the last few decades it's got a lot more sophisticated. It's an interesting subject maybe my position is shaped by reading up so much on it over the last three decades that has shaped my perspective. I can accept that may be the case.
    Entaowed likes this.
  4. vast

    vast Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    Fury didn't fight for a couple of years-out of his own accord- so perhaps that has something to do with it? while Canelo only got suspended fir 6 months.
  5. fenoc1

    fenoc1 Active Member Full Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Hahahahaha what the hell are you on about nationality and ethnicity I named English, Mexican and American fighters. Floyd was juicing too I just forgot to mention his name . Bernard Hopkins thrown in there too.
  6. navigator

    navigator "Billy Graham? He's my man." banned Full Member

    Nov 5, 2017
    Putting aside the dubious politics that led to the case being brought against him (which I cover [url]here[/url]), Tyson's pop is frequently mentioned in a disparaging light on the pages of this forum.

    I'd guess he doesn't have a catchy nickname because it's harder for wags to come up with one. 'Tyson PEDfuelled' doesn't have the ring to it that 'Clenelo' does. But you've done a pretty good job with 'Tysonandrolone', so I award you a 'Like' for your efforts.
  7. box33

    box33 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Right, what American fighter's did you mention?

    But i did see you accuse Andy Ruiz of steroids, Marquez, Pacquiao who are long retired as well as Joshua, you might wanna update your list,

    Oh you added Hopkins now did you? let me help you out by adding another one i'm sure you just happened to forget from your brain, that one being Roy Jones & here's another bonus one for ya: Shane Mosley,

    Just helping you jog your poor memory.
  8. fenoc1

    fenoc1 Active Member Full Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Ruiz was the American I was referring to. American born. I don't get where you are coming from with this post. I could name probably another 100 boxers but I don't have the time. The point is all the top guys are juicing. What are you implying when you said nationality and ethnicity?
  9. box33

    box33 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    If you read the post clearly you wouldn't have to be guessing any implication,

    And when did Ruiz test positive again?
  10. fenoc1

    fenoc1 Active Member Full Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    He didn't but he's on the juice. Valdez and Canelo both in same gym and failed over the last few years. Don't tell me Ruiz ain't on the juice
  11. m.s.

    m.s. Boxing Addict Full Member

    Nov 2, 2010
    When he loses he still wins, then him and his fans pretend he won and stand by it for life,
  12. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    This guilt by association is unfair & illogical.
    You are in the same office or gym with guys who do something, anything wrong, then you are guilty too?
    But that reasoning everyone in that or any gym with juicers must be using.

    We do not know how often who is on PEDs-but it is more comfortable to assume everyone is for some.
    That is not more reasonable as to assume everyone never caught was always clean.
    Or that most dirty tests are false positives.
  13. sdot_thadon

    sdot_thadon Active Member Full Member

    Jun 6, 2009
    You mean to tell me fans can hold on to a suspicion longer than an actual fail? (fighters other than Canelo we demonized without any concrete proof). The fact that Fury ran from it with the retirement says it all, but he waltzed back into the sport without a stain on his trousers because "we" wanted him to beat the big bad wolf.
  14. fenoc1

    fenoc1 Active Member Full Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    All them muthaf**kers on the juice and that's it. Yes guilt by association. You ain't using the same strength and conditioning coaches, nutritionists and coaches and not on the juice. Look at both Fury's, look at valdez and Canelo, look at Kid Galahad and Billy Joe Saunders. All these guys sharing the same coaches when they got caught. All around the same time too. Benn junior caught on the juice and his father pretends he didn't know a thing. He was juicing since the land before time
  15. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    No that is NOT it.
    What you are saying is not fair nor logical.

    1) It is TRUE that often people who share the same instructors & when one or more are caught, then the others are more likely to be on the juice
    2) It is NOT true that this shows that the others are definitely-or even with any reasonable degree of certainty-on the juice.
    3) If that principle was rational, then any group or cohort-by age, race, sex...That has a higher rate of any crime means that anyone IN that group is guilty.
    Or by your logic especially if say you are in another group within that group you are guilty-like also a family member.
    4) Even people in the same criminal GANG may well not be doing the same crimes as other members.
    5) "Guilt by Association" is well recognized as unreasonable.

    6) That you can show MANY people who are associated with a group are guilty goes nowhere to prove all are.
    I can show numerous tall people-does that mean the average man is over 6'?
    I can show that many people in one family tend to be tall-it only means that it is more likely someone else is tall, not that they all are.