Will Fury vs Joshua ever happen

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Plumber From Liverpool, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. Plumber From Liverpool

    Plumber From Liverpool Active Member Full Member

    Dec 3, 2019
    This is the current H/W fight people want to see,will it ever happen if so when and what venue.
  2. chico g

    chico g What are you staring at Mr Trump?! hahaha! Full Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    No Joshua will be retiring after the Pulev fight, and is looking to join the Olympia later in the year!
  3. TFP

    TFP Active Member Full Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    I could imagine it happening long after it should have done [e.g. say 3 yrs from now], at a time when there are question marks as to whether one or both are semi- or fully retired.
    chico g likes this.
  4. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    I am optimistic. If everyone can make money off it, then sure, why not.

    Also worth mentioning that it is not really necessary. It is the best fight out there, but Joshua losing to a sub-par contender has taken him out of the running to be the best for awhile. Not saying he never can be, but his loss to Ruiz set beside fury's win against Wilder has made Josh look pretty small. This is Fury's era whether the fight comes off or not.
  5. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    I think it will happen early next year.

    Wilder will rematch Fury in July and get beaten worse than last time.

    Joshua will fight Pulev in June and then Usyk later in the year.

    Then they'll square off in a unification fight in early 2021.

    Whyte will be seen wondering around the O2 arena mumbling something about We Be Crooks, Feb 2021 and Eddie being the devil, lol.
    ipitythefool, Aydamn, Eggman and 2 others like this.
  6. Southpawology

    Southpawology Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    Personally, I don't think Fury has long left in boxing, I think he will try and make it happen if he gets past Wilder III

    If it can / wont happen, he wont hang around and retire
    Rilz likes this.
  7. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    I think he has 3 fights left on his ESPN contract and I think after that he'll retire, he said so himself the day after the Wilder fight when interviewed by IFL.

    So Wilder this summer, Joshua early next year and then the rematch and he retires.
    Southpawology likes this.
  8. 80s champs

    80s champs Active Member Full Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    I was really pulling for Fury in the rematch and it was an incredible beat down and excellent game plan. But Wilder in the next fight will really be fired up on revenge and given his power will be pretty formidable.Fury will probably take it again though..but will still be careful.
  9. Reppin501

    Reppin501 The People's Champ Full Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    I certainly hope not...
  10. Robney

    Robney ᴻᴼ ᴸᴼᴻᴳᴲᴿ ᴲ۷ᴵᴸ Full Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    If they both keep winning, then yes!

    Venue? As long as it's in the UK, right?! 2 Brits for (at this point) all the marbles. The true king to be crowned.
    George Crowcroft likes this.
  11. Sugar 88

    Sugar 88 The Empire Struck Back Full Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Life tends to get in the way of these super fights happening at the right time but I'm hopeful we'll see this one sooner rather than later.

    Everyone seems to want to do business for once and hopefully the Ruiz upset and loss of other superfights over the past decade has made promoters a bit more keen to strike whilst the iron is hot.
    George Crowcroft likes this.
  12. SmackDaBum

    SmackDaBum TKO7 banned Full Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    Problem is Joshua might lose to Usyk first...

    Wilder and his team knows that and they just want to sabotage the fight at this point. Its a long term war between the Networks.
    MorvidusStyle likes this.
  13. MorvidusStyle

    MorvidusStyle Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jul 11, 2017
    Hopefully not. It's funnier if AJ loses again and misses out on both the Wilder 'megafight' and the Fury 'megafight'.
    The truth is, Joshua already tainted the fight as a potential legacy fight for Fury because he lost to Ruiz, then fought safe against this non-ko-specialist in the rematch. It's not like he got iced by Wilder or Povetkin, then KO'd them in a rematch etc.
    If Fury won, the narrative would ultimately be that Joshua was already exposed and possibly damaged goods. It'll be considered a good win, but not like the Wlad or Wilder wins.
  14. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    The only reason Fury vs Bootleg D I happened is because the cherrypicked inactive drug-ravaged shell of Fury was man enough to travel over to Bootleg D's backyard and use his charisma, gift of the gab and skills as a salesman to drag Bootleg D from obscurity and introduce him on the big stage to his own people. Nobody outside of the mean streets of Tuscaloosa knew who Bootleg D was prior to Fury dragging him out of the shadows. Then after Fury was robbed blind Bootleg D categorically refused to fight him over on his turf for the rematch which left Fury with but no choice other than to get his passport out again and to try and take it out of the judges hands which he obviously did in biblical fashion. That should be it. Game over. 2-0 to The Gypsy King but because of corruption rearing its ugly head again Fury is 1-0-1 instead of being 2-0 and he's having to return to the scene of the crime again for a third dance when it should be done and dusted and all wrapped up.

    Fury needs to play hardball and drag Bootleg D over to his soil for this one and hopefully the deck is stacked with a UK ref and three UK judges (although that won't ever happen) because I think Team D and co are going to pull out all the stops to secure that elusive victory over Fury for Bootleg D this time whether it be by hook or by crook.

    2013 quote from Bootleg D on fighting Fury

    ''I would fight him anywhere," said Wilder. "I'm a traveller, a global fighter, I fight anywhere all over the world that's how you become legendary. You become legendary by not being afraid to go into enemy territory when the time comes or when duty calls.''
    SmackDaBum likes this.
  15. Rilz

    Rilz Ball don't lie! Full Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    I am not convinced that Fury wants that fight in the UK. He is already well known there, and is building himself up to be a household name in the states. Another impressive win in the spotlight (in Vegas with ESPN/FOX promotion) and you have yourself a global superstar. Not so sure it works out that way with the fight in the UK at 3pm in the US.
    Serge likes this.