Would you classify Tony Tucker as an underachiever?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by dmt, Aug 7, 2024.

  1. Usyk is the best

    Usyk is the best Active Member Full Member

    Feb 12, 2023
    In terms of winning belts, he was rightfully a beltholder for a brief period. But in terms of resume, Tucker clearly underachieved.

    Prior to Tyson fight, his 2 best wins were Buster Douglas and ancient Jimmy Young.

    After that Tucker managed to score controversial win over Orlin Norris and close win vs Oliver McCall.

    He was managed too carefully to avoid serious challenges before the title fights.
    But Tucker has the tools to be competitive against world class opponents.

    He went 12 rounds vs peak Tyson and held his own.

    Against Lennox Tucker was clearly past his best, but managed to give him a hell of a fight. After Tucker rose from KD in round 9, he beat Lennox for the rest of the round, landed many punches, and if he hit harder, Lennox would have went down. One judge even scored that round 10-10 despite the KD.

    Tucker could have had better list of wins, that's for sure
    Markus.C.65 likes this.
  2. Totentanz.

    Totentanz. Gator Wrestler Extraordinaire banned Full Member

    Jun 11, 2024
    Underachiever? Pfft. If he chose to achieve, he couldn't even try to become the holder of Mike Weaver's jock strap.
    Anubis and bolo specialist like this.
  3. Overhand94

    Overhand94 Member Full Member

    Jun 23, 2024
    I agree with most of your post but it seemed to me that Lewis was playing possum in that 9th round, and he came back at the end.
    The 10-10 scorecard was ridiculous.
  4. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    I think Lewis was dazed for a moment I seemed to remember a right hand that stopped Lewis in his tracks. But yeah Lewis did comeback well at the end of that little barrage from Tucker.

    And you're right the 10-10 round is ludicrous.
    Overhand94 likes this.
  5. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    That mostly sums him up. He lacked that X factor in a big way. In some ways he has a little bit of Jimmy Young going but without Jimmy's better wins.
    Dynamicpuncher and Overhand94 like this.
  6. AntonioMartin1

    AntonioMartin1 Jeanette Full Member

    Jan 23, 2022
    No, because his prime coincided with Mike Tyson's.

    He did what he could with what he had, and that was a lot that he did.
    Markus.C.65 likes this.
  7. Turnip mk3

    Turnip mk3 Active Member Full Member

    Feb 6, 2021
    I always wondered what had happened to him at the time ? He disappeared in the late 80s .his best years were wasted. It would of been interesting to see him in the post Douglas mix up ! Shame
    Markus.C.65 likes this.
  8. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Drugs happened just after Tyson, unfortunately.
    jont and Turnip mk3 like this.
  9. Saintpat

    Saintpat Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    In general, when a fighter is defined by his losses rather than his wins … that tells us something.

    The two most ‘impressive’ things on his resume were (a) didn’t get KO’d by Tyson (not that he was ever close to winning the right or making it close on the scorecards) and (b) didn’t get KO’d by Lennox Lewis (see Tyson comment above).

    The win over Buster is a good one, but Douglas wasn’t at the time considered much of a threat and Tony didn’t exactly run away with it … most like Buster lost interest and got taken out on his feet because he was gassed or just not determined.

    After that it’s pretty thin.

    Not getting KO’d is better than getting KO’d, I guess, but it’s not winning either. Mitch Green and Bonecrusher also didn’t get KO’d by Tyson but nobody sings their praises about it. I’ll tell you another guy who didn’t get KO’d by Tyson — Buster Douglas. In fact, he took Tyson out.

    Same with Lewis. The man was a big puncher but he also had stretches where he’s willing to play it safe and take an easy points win rather than going for it … and Tucker did nothing to make him have to step it up. Another guy who didn’t get KO’d by Lewis was Oliver McCall, who in fact KO’d Lewis in their first fight.

    I find Tucker’s resume pretty yawn-inducing.
  10. Ro-Maximus

    Ro-Maximus New Member Full Member

    Oct 19, 2021
    He sounds like the boxing equivalent of a game manager quarterback (someone along the lines of Teddy Bridgewater).
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
    Saintpat likes this.
  11. smallsteps

    smallsteps Member Full Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Tucker was tested twice in his prime, he stopped Douglas and went the distance with prime Tyson. Tucker was very good.
  12. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    People in this thread are making good points though. While i stand by my initial post regarding how talented Tucker was, the fact is he did not fight Witherspoon, Ruddock, Thomas, Dokes, Bruno etc. You wouldn't expect him to fight all of them but you would expect him to fight at least SOME of them. It seems like his management kept him away from a lot of tough challenges. If he had wins over 3-5 of the guys mentioned, you could make a very solid case for an all time top 50 hw spot.
    Overhand94 likes this.
  13. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Promoter issues.
  14. HistoryZero26

    HistoryZero26 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jan 6, 2024
    Its complicated. He took the traditional paths to world belts for American fighters fighters took at the time to get title shots. He fought for the NABF and USBA. A lot of why Tuckers SOS looks so awful is most promising guys he fought had their careers implode. Then his first 3 title fights were lineal HW champions.
  15. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    Two? Buster and?
    Journeyman92 likes this.