3 rds shadowboxing 4 rds sparring 2 rds pads 1 heavbag 2 jumprope im a little sick right now and i got beat in sparring today pretty bd actually by a kid who i shud be beating. its weird because jiu jitsu im clearly geting better but boxing is weird. like 2 months ago i beat the kid i saprred today pretty bad. then i started sparring guys better then him and i ended up sparring some one much better and doing pretty decnt and toda yi sparred the kid again and he beat me which was weird since he barely got better since last time i fought him
oo hit im mad sick thats y i go t rocked i think i juss woke up from passing out and hve amd soar hroat im bout to go back to bed haha
imback from what i think was teh flu i was throwing up alot. anyway 4 rounds shado 4 rope 4 pads 4 heavy rested about 2 hours then ran for 15 minutes
yesterday 3 shadow 4 heavy 4 pads 1 double end bag 1 shadowbox with no footwork 7 minutes speedbag 15 min jumprope 3 sets of situps, leg lifts, sidebends. today 15 minute jog 2 min walking 8 minute jog 2 hours BJJ
3 shadow 3 pads 3 heavy 1 doubleend 4 min speedbag 9 min jumprope 2 sets situps rest a little 25 min jog longest i have ever done
lol i never used to get sick but al these assholes come into jiu jitsu sick as **** and get me sick. but ya i been running alot i got 25 minutes today thats most i ever did
situational sparring 2 round only using jab i go back 1 round same thing but i go forward 2 rounds jab and cross 1 round jab cross and hooks 7 min speedbag 2 rounds heavy bag 3 sets situps
well i finally got the point were i can do 3 miles so im incorporating sprints. nd now i no y my cardio is soo bad my sprint cardio sucks lol. well i sprint from one telephone pole to teh next. then i walka cross the street and repeat. so i did 6. rested about 30 min then did some core work. roman chair situps head almost touching ground 20 roman chair situps stopping at parralel 22 roman chiar situps going from parallel to about a quarter of the way up 16 immediatly followed by a 7 second hold at parralel v-ups 11 hold 35lb plate at chest level with elbows tucked into sides twists 40 same thing but holding weight horizontal insteadof parralel 60 same thing but weight is helld out a little further 32 same thing but weight is held straight out 18 back extensions 25
Your "sprint" cardio is really your anaerobic system. It provides energy for up to 2 minutes without the need for oxygen to produce it. However you still get out of breath because your aerobic system is working no matter what and trying to make more energy for you to use. Keep up with the sprints but another thing you could try that you can also do inside are minute drills. Just do 30 seconds per exercise (preferablly ones that can get you out of breath like jumping jacks, burpees, lateral jumps, etc) one after another as fast and hard as you can for a round, rest, repeat. Try shadowboxing (hard) for 30 seconds, burpees for 30 seconds, keep repeating for a full round, rest and do 4-5 of them. Keep up the training man!
iigh thanks bro. ive been trianing juss not posting and today i also did 2 hours of jiu jitsu. nd im gunna try that **** tomorrow
2years for a blue belt is a good thing IMO. It really makes it an accomplishment. It seems now that a lot of gyms are just handing them out like candy on Halloween. I've been doing BJJ for a little over 4months now and its lots of fun. You're lucky you got wrestling background I find take downs the hardest thing to pull off.
well i forgot to ben posting but weds i also did 2 hours of BJJ thurs i did 5 rds shadow 3 heavy 2 pads 3 jumprope yesterday 4 shadow 4 heavybag 2 doubleend bag 2 speedbag