since in latvia there isn't too much of a choice in stores.lately i have been wearing top ten gloves. they are solid and not too expensive. the best ones i have used is green hill.
I really enjoy the mid range (around $60-80 per piece) that lonsdale offers. The quality is great (yes, I know lonsdale US gloves seem to be made of inferior material- fortuantely, this is not the case for Aussie ones) and the design is very comfortable. Only complaint I ever got was that the gloves itself aren't fancy enough (I love how Twins sometimes offer gloves which have fire like patterns or drawings of beasts on it)...but for the price, it is definately BEAST!
Twins Special Signature Boxing Gloves. Rival d30 Intelli-Shock Bag Gloves Everlast ProTex2 EverGel Training Gloves :bbb
im lookin to buy a good pair of 10oz padwork/Heavy Bag gloves, anyone want to help? im thinking about buying reyes but damn that's a load of money. I hear some people say that reyes is over priced, so what matches it?
Well, outside of a pair of relatively cheapo leather Lonsdale gloves and some old battered Gold's Gym gloves, the only gloves I've used are Rival RB1s and Rival RB10 d3os, so it's not too surprising that I'd say my favourite are Rival. I would say that I really have absolutely no cause to even think about changing - I like the fact that I get more protection than I did from the 16oz Lonsdale gloves even though the RB10 gloves are only 12oz. Will be getting the sparring gloves next, I guess the only slight worry about them is I hear the padding is REALLY nice on your partners - I think that's how it should be personally, but unfortunately almost every single person who spars at my gym uses their gloves on the bag as well so the padding is compressed, not to mention half of them are using 14oz...
Everlast does that to me too... I was starting to think it was because maybe my hand was shaped differently or something; haha.. Seriously.. it ****ing hurts afterwards if you connect on the fingers too much.
For the quality you're getting, Reyes aren't over-priced at all, superbly crafted and very, very durable gloves.
Winnings by a longshot, I got 18oz and they feel so light its mad. Very sleek but once they have been broken in (2weeks at the most), they feel great.
^^^^^^^^^^ I tried on Grant Campeon gloves and didn't like the thumb position. Winnings have very long thumb compartments but it is very easy to make a natural fist inside. Great knuckle protection and look great. Being non-leather is actually better because the gloves is not restricted by the tightness of leather. Best way to describe them is like memory foam pillows for your hands, when punching a bag the gloves mold around your hands on impact. Even though Grant has big marketing, Winning is still used by ALL the champions with no marketing at all. Speaks volumes about the quality I reckon. Also Mayweather wears Grant on mitts but when sparring and working the bags, he wears Winning only. Worth every penny, I am only waiting for my sparring gloves to give out and i'll buy my second pair.