Your favourite all time MMA fighter?.

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by BoxingFanatic98, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    I've seen the Hoost fight. Man, Igor was really at a disadvantage against a rangey great fighter like Hoost. I just loved it when he beat the crap out of Varelans, Floyd and Dixon in the same night. All the guys saying "MMA fighters can't punch" need to see these fights :deal:
    Kevin Willis and mirkofilipovic like this.
  2. Brixton Bomber

    Brixton Bomber Obsessed with Boxing banned Full Member

    Sep 21, 2013

    He trained in school playgrounds whilst others trained in purpose-built facilities (and he still won)
    He'd beat you at your own game (NEVER played it safe)
    He took G&P to another level
    He could take a beating and give one
    Best all around skill set & cardio in that divisions history
    Was globally known by every top fighter in all arts as the worlds best fighter. There was no debate about it.
    Still active, though a shell of what he once was (shame)
    Has the best resume of HW fighters. It's ridiculous how deep it is & how many top fighters of different arts he beat.

    He's the greatest fighter I've ever seen and will ever see.

    Many MMA fans love to bag on the guy, mainly because he didn't go to the UFC or because he doesn't do crane kicks. But he never needed the UFC he already beat the best they had to offer), he fought on a MUCH bigger stage (Pride attendances will never be that big again in MMA) and doing flashy kicks isn't his style.

    He was a wrecking machine. Believe me, if you want a no nonsense fighter then Fedor is your guy.
  3. UnleashtheFURY

    UnleashtheFURY D'oh! Full Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    Fedor, Cro Cop, Shogun, Gus, Kharitonov.
  4. ForemanJab

    ForemanJab Steroid Junkie Full Member

    May 8, 2014
    Brixton Bomber likes this.
  5. Grooveongreg

    Grooveongreg Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Echo others had to be Fedor how can it not be guy was a Russian killing machine

    Was strong as an ox .
    Beouche and Brixton Bomber like this.
  6. tee_birch

    tee_birch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 6, 2014
    Fedor for me.

    Also loved Matt Hughes. Proper warrior and when he ran Trigg across the octogon after the low blow.

    Apparently in the early days of UFC when he was champ he would help the fellas who were setting up unload their vans. Wouldn't see that these days
    Brixton Bomber likes this.
  7. escudo

    escudo Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 13, 2014
    I'll be that guy, Nick Diaz.

    He changed my life. I was in highschool, home sick with the flu. My dad had watched a red sox game on NESN the night before and I was too busy throwing up to change the channel. There was some kind of weird wrestling on TV, A skinny, lanky guy taking on a smaller japanese guy. I noticed the gloves and though "huh" what up with the gloves? about 10 seconds in the japanese guy blasted him full force in the face. Oh, it's boxing, but the ref isn't counting the knockdown. Japanese guy jumps on him and starts beating his face in before slamming him again. OK so it's not boxing. Maybe it's like some ECW style pro wrestling.

    Lanky guy is getting destroyed on the ground but gets back to his feet japanese guy is tired now,his punches wild and powerful but telegraphed. Lanky guy starts beating him up with shorter tighter combos, working the body just battering him. Finally the japanese guy tries to take him down and the two got so indescribably entangled that the ref pulled them apart.

    The fight was over. I had never been more confused in my life. I thought it was some kind of fever dream of mine but it stuck with me. I looking online for anything I could find about it and I discovered PRIDE and MMA.

    The first fight I ever saw was Nick Diaz Gogoplata Takanori Gomi. I had to learn more. Found an MMA gym and started doing BJJ. That fight changed my life.
    ForemanJab and BCS8 like this.
  8. Kevin Willis

    Kevin Willis Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Stone ages- igor


    Contemporary-Khabib I guess

    "What you say about 24 fight win streak" LOL

    More like what you say about injuries, inactivity and missing weight?
    Brixton Bomber and Todd498 like this.
  9. UnleashtheFURY

    UnleashtheFURY D'oh! Full Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    RDA's success at 170 should really make Khabib consider the full time move there as well.
    Kevin Willis likes this.
  10. Kevin Willis

    Kevin Willis Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    No doubt! Before his last attempt at making 155 according to Rogan his liver shut down while preparing for Johnson. his style should translate just fine up at 170.
    Todd498 and UnleashtheFURY like this.
  11. Kevin Willis

    Kevin Willis Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    I want to change my answer to Cris Cyborg!
  12. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    The woman, right?
  13. juice20

    juice20 Active Member Full Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    Fedor. Pancrase era Rutten. Pride era Wanderlei. Current UFC era Cerrone
    Brixton Bomber likes this.
  14. Willie Maeket

    Willie Maeket The Mothership Connection Full Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Kevin Randleman R.I.P.
    The man was a human hurricane with a killer vertical jump for a guy that was 5'10".
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  15. Willie Maeket

    Willie Maeket The Mothership Connection Full Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Don Frye
    100% Will Power
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    Love how he exposed Brock Lesnar too. That guy gets all the PED passes in combat sports ever.