Your little Trademarks

Discussion in 'Boxing Training' started by GPater11093, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. GPater11093

    GPater11093 Barry Full Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    what little moves do you do alot which is unique to you

    i sometimes land a straight right then throw a double jab

    so its like a backwards double jab right hand

    anyone else
  2. RDJ

    RDJ Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 27, 2005
    My trademark is my defense, offensively the only thing that sets me apart from the others is that I'm more likely to throw uppercuts.
  3. karatekid530

    karatekid530 Milwaukee's Best Full Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    im a left handed orthodox boxer so my trademarks are a naturally stiff jab and an accurate left hook. i also like to go from fighting on my back foot and working defense straight into a bullrushing slugger style to work offense when the other persons tired. i guess thats a trademark since i dont see many people trying to develop polar opposite styles at the same time.
  4. paloalto00

    paloalto00 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    I wouldn't really call myself unique.... I guess being a right handed southpaw?
  5. colin7878

    colin7878 Active Member Full Member

    Jun 6, 2008
  6. MrPook

    MrPook Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 15, 2007
  7. GPater11093

    GPater11093 Barry Full Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    what do you do defensivly uniquely

    my defence is probably my best thing especially since i have started throwing in some Pea moves

    always nice to see i work the body alot and fight in close which is unuasual in ams these days

    always good
  8. jordaw

    jordaw Member Full Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    I am a really tall right handed southpaw so that kind of makes me unique.
  9. RightHooker

    RightHooker Active Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Same here.

    I started going to the body because when I was first starting I had to spar with a guy who was alot better than me and he would just block and then counter back really fast most of the punches I threw at his head.

    So I started just throwing a jab or straight right to the head and then dropping under his counters and throwing a straight right or a hook to the body. At first it was just a way for me to hit him without him hitting me. Then I got hit with a good body shot and realized how much it sucked so it became something that I looked to do all the time.

    My first fight only lasted a minute and I absolutely crushed the guys body before dropping him with a headshot. :thumbsup
  10. curly

    curly Fastest hands in the West Full Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    Jab, Cross, left-hook to the body then pivot off
  11. znaak

    znaak Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    The jab, workrate, always fight until the end, counterpunching, right cross, right uppercut, left hook, bodypunching. Hmm, that's quite a lot. :lol:

    Well, the thing that stands most out with me are my straight punches.
  12. RedDragonBoxing

    RedDragonBoxing Ametuer Boxer Full Member

    Feb 7, 2009
    My footwork. I kinda tend to move both my feet at the same time so im kinda doing little jumps rather than walking like most traditional boxers do but when i do this im moving faster and my rhythym is really good. i can imagine my nickname now lol, Jumping Jordan Davies haha ( wierd thing is that sounds like a wicked nickname :D )

    Also when the timer in the gym goes off and youve got ten seconds left in the round I always tend to have a quick spurt and im always better in the last ten seconds than i am in the rest of the round
  13. GPater11093

    GPater11093 Barry Full Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    also my fighting southpaws is pretty ledgendary as i am crap against them
  14. RDJ

    RDJ Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 27, 2005
    I have a high guard with both hands up, but use the shoulders a lot to block which means a very distinct upper body movement compared to the others in my gym. It helps me defensively but also to find angles and to "hide" punches. Not sure if my explanation makes any sense, but I change my guard by moving it more than the others do. I also have my hands outwards to parry jabs mostly.
  15. GPater11093

    GPater11093 Barry Full Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    so like a kinda rolling defence

    my defence is the opposite lots of head and feet movement getting down low coming back up slipping weaving etc...