Zhang’s power is no joke. Is Zhang’s 2 stoppage wins over Joyce a good indicator of his chances against a prime Tua?
I'd go with Zhang given how short Tua and plodding was. Tua could be a dark horse though, and very explosive when need be. Would be an interesting fight to watch.
No not at all Tua is alot smaller in height and Zhang would have to punch down. Tua is also a much bigger single puncher than Joyce, and actually has dangerous late fight KO power. Which with Zhang's suspect stamina could be problematic.
Tua can actually go and emply the plan Joyce was supposed to against Zhang. Move his head, go inside, smother and make Zhang work there. Rarely do boxers get more hittable than Joe, and in spite of all his shortcomings, Tua had on top of having granite chin did have some head movement, could ride shots, and could work inside. David for me, thought Zhang has his arguments here.