Zuffadog's (MDS) very biased ranking

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by monaroCountry, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. As ive said many times before, Sherdog is just another Zuffa pupet, their writers are just another mouthpice for Zuffa. Tell me why and how all these Zuffa fighters ever made it that high up the ladder (especially Brock Lesnar).

  2. scurlaruntings

    scurlaruntings ESB 2002 Club Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
  3. very true.......I have no idea which garbage heap they drag these bozos wannabe journalists.

    Ive said time and time again, Sherdog is nothing more than a pupet for Zuffa, Dana and the two sisters.
  4. 196osh

    196osh Mendes Bros. Full Member

    May 10, 2007

    Lesnar number two is where I insane a 5-2 guy who had just been decimated in one round ranked number two. Added to the fact he nearly got stopped in his last fight and how he is above, Cain, Fedor, JDS and Werdum is a mystery.
  5. Ne5ville14

    Ne5ville14 Rationalist by default... Full Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    Wow, 4 fighter from SF, that's a miracle ? Or is that because there isn't enough talented HW in the UFC ?:p
  6. Nuke

    Nuke Full Length Member Full Member

    Feb 22, 2005
    **** poor list. Sherdog is a joke. I only go there to check out records thats it, maybe an interview video but I NEVER read articles or go to that forum.
  7. RSBonos

    RSBonos Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Brock only going to #2 is a joke, I guess you can't deny his epic record and his very impressive recent performances, he was after all 'da baddest man on the planet', it's just that he doesn't like to be punched...no biggie.

    But its no surprise, since he magically became #1 after a one year layoff.
  8. Flash Jab

    Flash Jab Boxing Junkie banned

    Jul 29, 2010
    >Overeem only at 8
    >Brock at 2
    >Fedor at 4
    >The rest
    This content is protected
  9. scurlaruntings

    scurlaruntings ESB 2002 Club Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
  10. demzor

    demzor Active Member Full Member

    Nov 18, 2006
    Wait for Overeem to beat someone in the top 10 before you complain about him being "only" #8
  11. demzor

    demzor Active Member Full Member

    Nov 18, 2006
    My Ranking.. I made this without looking at the sherdog list. but it ends up looking pretty ****ing close. The whole thing is pretty much a toss up.

    #1 Cain Velasquez - I think he has a lot of Fedor like qualities.. and he is younger. Very calm and collected in the ring. Before his fight with Nog i said I would take Cain over anyone at that point. Whatever makes a guy a great fighter.. he just has it.
    #2 Fedor - Dude got caught. It happens to everyone eventually.
    #3 Lesnar - I still think he has the ability to wrestle**** most anyone. Wont really know until his next fight.
    #4 Werdum - This is kind of a toss up with JDS.. and i know JDS knocked him the **** out.. but Werdum did catch Fedor. Gotta give him some points there.
    #5 Junior Dos Santos - No problems so far for this kid.. but he has yet to fight a dominant wrestler. Can't wait to see him match up with Cain.
    #6 Shane Carwin - Hits like a truck.. want to see him past the first round again... but it looks like we're ****ed cause he's gonna be out for a long time now.

    Toss the rest of these names in a bag and shake them

    #7 Mir
    #8 Overeem
    #9 Nog
    #10 Who knows.. The division is getting pretty ****ing thin at this point....
  12. Sloth

    Sloth Well-Known Member Full Member

    Oct 2, 2009
    Frank Mir above Overeem:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

    Zuffa Zombies say "Oh wee Oh, ee Oh Um":rofl:rofl
  13. Hahahahah zuffa zombies made me fall off my chair again hahhhahahaha.
  14. demzor

    demzor Active Member Full Member

    Nov 18, 2006
    Mir has beat some people...
    Overeem hasn't.

    Whats there to laugh about?
  15. scurlaruntings

    scurlaruntings ESB 2002 Club Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Fedor has beat some people. Mir hasnt.