Bakole v Joshua

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by Beale, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. Potwash

    Potwash The Real Untouchables banned Full Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    Little mug running to Billy and telling of others lol

    You are a big gob shite. Even Billy don't want to hear it. No-one cares that you're riding Bakoles nut sacks. You are a stain on this forum who keeps creating account after account. You must see how pathetic that really is.
  2. Soi Six

    Soi Six daddy, daddy cool, daddy, daddy cool banned Full Member

    Aug 4, 2024
    You are a very angry little man mate and need to seek help. One account here but you have no problem with your mate creating lots of accounts and even liking this very angry post.
  3. Potwash

    Potwash The Real Untouchables banned Full Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    What are you even talking about, who's my mate on here? You're lying about how many accounts you have created on a boxing forum, you've had dozens of them!

    Sad thing is, you will get banned again and you will just keep on creating account after account. Used to love the British section on this forum, it was the reason I created an account but I genuinely can't stand reading the crap you post. Moron.
  4. Bruce Tea

    Bruce Tea Member banned Full Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    It's Ex Army Jim. The lad is a lunatic. He cannot live without this place. One would hazard a guess it was his upbringing that caused him to be the person he is.
    Journeyman92 and Potwash like this.
  5. Bruce Tea

    Bruce Tea Member banned Full Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    If this place got closed down he would be on suicide watch. You should see his antics elsewhere!
    Potwash likes this.
  6. Potwash

    Potwash The Real Untouchables banned Full Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    Oh yeah I know it's him mate. It's so weird how he is denying it and this is his first account when everyone in here knows it's him. You don't exactly have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

    Yeah I genuinely do feel sorry for the man.
    Bruce Tea likes this.
  7. Bruce Tea

    Bruce Tea Member banned Full Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    He is as barmy as the popes catholic.
    Potwash likes this.
  8. Soi Six

    Soi Six daddy, daddy cool, daddy, daddy cool banned Full Member

    Aug 4, 2024
    Doesn't take much for you to fly off the handle mate. You accuse me and others of having multiple accounts while you lick your Brixton pals arse Bruce Tea. Your moaning is music to my ears you grumpy hypocritical little sod.
  9. Potwash

    Potwash The Real Untouchables banned Full Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    I haven't accused anyone, just YOU Jim. I don't lick anyone's arse, don't do it in real life so wouldn't do it on a forum.

    Jim, maybe just try being yourself? Stop being a prat, I bet you don't act like this in real life do you? Conduct yourself on here how you would do in your day to day life. You keep blaming others but you have seriously been banned on here DOZENS of times mate. Thats because you're a twat. It's no-one else but you.
  10. Soi Six

    Soi Six daddy, daddy cool, daddy, daddy cool banned Full Member

    Aug 4, 2024
    some imagination

    Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Do you struggle to read bud? You accuse others yet you let your Brixton Bombing Butt Licker roam free. Oh wait, it was you all along (according to many posts on the forum from good sources)

    Think you just need to relax bud far too angry and compensating for something clearly
  11. Beale

    Beale Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Feb 13, 2023
    Chill out lads
    Soi Six likes this.
  12. Soi Six

    Soi Six daddy, daddy cool, daddy, daddy cool banned Full Member

    Aug 4, 2024
    Imagine taking a forum so seriously. Can't hack a bit of banter. Too angry to put users on ignore or simply scroll past and get on with the day. Makes me wonder how many points this sod has on his driving license or what convictions he has. Absolute nutter who flies off the handle at the slightest thing. Probably what you get living in Brixton which is an utter shithole mind
    Beale likes this.
  13. Potwash

    Potwash The Real Untouchables banned Full Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    Who the **** is Brixton bomber, I don't know that guy. I don't know anyone from this forum...and how the hell would you remember about some forum poster from god knows how long back. I'm chilled, you're the one who's made dozens of accounts. That's a fact. I've had one and only one account since I've posted here. That's a fact.

    Listen, you probably are a decent bloke in real life I just genuinely find it really bizarre on why you keep on making so many accounts. There always seems to be a troll like feeling to your posts. When you posted under exarmyjim at least you was original, made me work hard to read your massive posts in one big paragraph lol.
    Now you're just a twat.
    Bruce Tea likes this.
  14. Soi Six

    Soi Six daddy, daddy cool, daddy, daddy cool banned Full Member

    Aug 4, 2024
    You are a seriously odd and angry bloke making things up and trying to gaslight people on a forum. Don’t forget to take your blood pressure meds mate. How do you remember some bloke from back when mr pot wash asks as ex army Jim haunts him every night. What a plonker lmao
  15. Bruce Tea

    Bruce Tea Member banned Full Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    I bet you always say it's "just banter". You are an unhinged knob mate. You simply cannot function without forums and message boards. Too angry? That's pot calling the kettle black to say the least! You are a twat on other platforms no doubt. And there's only one other member constantly liking your posts which really says it all. I hope this section gets shut down, you would fall apart without it. Go and make a friend in the real world, get some fresh air, take a stroll. Might improve your wellbeing.
    Potwash likes this.