Today's Boxing session Warm up with skipping and shadow boxing 2 rounds on the bag working on not leaning forward when throwing straight shots 2 rounds on the pads 2 more rounds on the bag working on throwing shots and always having an exit after the combination (roll out/ slip and rotate out/ in and out etc) 3 rounds sparring which went meh. Sparred three different people and had mixed results. Round 1: was a nice round where we both exchanged and used footwork. It was a 'nice round of neat boxing' Round 2: I got beat up by the taller, bigger and more experienced boxer. He held back and didn't take liberties. But his stiff jab busted me up and I couldn't get in on him. Bright side I have someone to test my headmovement improvements as they come along. Round 3: was with the same guy as last week. I didn't engage in a brawl and kept it neat. Was a boring round Circuit warm down
Yesterdays Bench session Bench: 5x3 with 72kg/159 lbs and then attempted 75kg/165lbs and got 2. The 2nd rep was ridiculously slow and I wasn't sure I could get the third so thought it best to not risk missing a rep and racked the bar. Paused Bench: 3x3 with 65kg/143lbs 3x pin press 3xDB Press 3xShoulder Press 3xDips 6xrolling tricep extensions Todays Squat workout Squat: 5x3 with 123kg/271lbs + 1x3 with 133kg/293lbs Paused squats: 5x3 with 110kg/ 242lbs Leg curls: 5 sets of 8 reps 3xGlute Ham Raises
Today's boxing session Warm up (shadow and skipping) 1 round on the bag 3 rounds on the pads 4 more rounds on the bag focusing on 3 shot combinations and slight lateral movement followed by an additional combo. 2x shadow boxing focusing on basics of footwork and having my chin covered at all times (when throwing shots). Feel like an amature again and kinda like it. Focusing on the basics is, in my opinion, the best investment if I ever want to compete again.
Today's upper body workout Bench: 3x8 with 60kg/132lbs doubles with 70kg/154lbs, `75kg/165lbs singles with 78kg/ 172lbs and 80kg/176lbs Rows: 5x12 T bar rows: 5x6 Incline Db Press: 3x10 Db Shoulder press: 3x8 Weighted pull ups: 4x8 Neutral grip pull ups: 4x MR 3x biceps 3x triceps
Today's workout 2x8 and 1x6 with 115kg/253lbs + 1x8 with 110kg/242lbs also did singles with 125kg/275lbs and 135kg/297lbs Sumo Deads: 1x8 + 1x9 with 105kg/231lbs + singles with 120kg/264lb, 135kg/297lbs and 145kg/319lbs Explosive Conventional deadlifts: 6x2 with 111kg/246lb Nothing special and the weights on squat felt heavy. Just warmed up with heavy singles and went for reps as planned with the weight planned but didn't push myself too hard. Don't see any reason to tax my body and recovery on a workout that doesn't really matter considering I have to hit 95% for singles on all 3 lifts next week and have a boxing session later today
Todays Boxing session Warm up 3x bag work focusing on just jabbing and moving around 3x bag work focussing on uppercuts following jab entry 4x Bag work with no specific focus. Warm down circuit. Nothing special today but some times it's just about showing up.
Somewhat messed up today. Felt sore and stiff so went to the gym to mobilise. stretch and do light squats to just open everything up. Ended up working on my bench technique and before I knew it I was using 80kg/176lbs and it was flying up and felt good. Considering Tuesday I have to hit 5 singles with this weight I decided to do that today so Todays mini bench workout 5x1 with 80kg/176lbs 1x1 with 83kg/183lbs Then went home. No idea what I will do Tuesday for my working sets but happy to have gotten the main work done.
Todays Workout Woke up and felt like absolute ****. My back for some reason was tight, still have my knee niggle and now my ankles felt sore. Thank god this is my last week before a deload. Deadlift: 5x1 with 164kg/361lbs.Didnt do any additional sets. The additional sets are to auto regulate my workouts and 164kg felt heavy and slow as ****. Deficit deadlift: 2x1 with 130kg/287lbs Sumo Deadlift: 1x1 with 138kg/304lbs. This felt easy as hell so went for a 150kg/330lbs attempt which didn't budge off the floor. Guess that was too much of a jump. 5xRows 4x DB rows 3x weighted pull ups 3x weighted neutral grip pull ups 6 sets of Bicep work
Todays Bench session Bench: 5x2 with 76kg/167 lbs. I hit my 5 singles with 95% on Saturday so instead of rehitting the same workout I decided to go for doubles. If 5x3 was with 85% and 5x1 with 95% I did doubles at 90% Paused Bench: 1x1 with 70kg/154lbs (Ridiculously easy), 3x1 with 75kg/165lbs (Smooth as hell. Was so shocked that I thought I was cheating the 3 second pause so asked someone to count for me and tell me to press), 1x1 with 78kg/172lbs 3x pin press 3xDB Press 3xShoulder Press 3xDips 6xrolling tricep extensions
Today's Squat workout Squat: 5x1 with 138kg/ 304lbs and 1x1 with 143kg/315lbs (Been a long time since I got more then 140kg so happy with this) Paused squats: 2x1 with 115kg/ 253lbs, 1x1 with 118kg/ 260lb, 2x1 with 123kg/ 271lbs Leg curls: 5 sets of 8 reps 3xGlute Ham Raises Decently surprised by today. Been having some mobility and knee, ankle stiffness which I'm putting down to needing a deload (next week is scheduled) and the majority of the 5 working sets moved faster then I could ever have hoped for. Also don't think I will manage to hit the boxing gym this week because of time conflicts with therapy sessions.
Today's upper body workout Bench Body weight MR attempt: 1x14 with 58kg/ 128lb So close yet so far from 15 reps which for some reason I really want to get. Got 1 more then 3 weeks ago with technically heavier weight (miniscule increase) so happy. Additional bench: 2x6 with 60kg/132 lbs and singles with 65kg/143lbs, 70kg/154lb, 75kg/165 lbs and 80kg/176lbs Max rep pull ups managed 19 exactly like 3 weeks ago. Could have lied to myself and gotten 1 more false rep but whats the point in that! Rows: 5x8-12 t-bar rows: 5x10 Incline Db Press: 3x10 Db Shoulder press: 3x8 Weighted pull ups: 4x8 Neutral grip pull ups: 4x MR 3x biceps 3x triceps
Today's Lower body workout 2xBodyWeight MR Squat attempt: 116kg/255lbs for 18 reps. Surprised at this considering I've been feeling beat up and sore but still managed 2 more reps then last time with slightly more weight Additional Squats: 116kg/255lbsx8,120kg/264lbx8 + 125kg/275lbsx2,130kg/287lbs x2, 135kg/298lbs x1 Sumo Deads: 2x9 with 105kg/231lbs + 125kg/275lbsx1 + 140kg/309lbsx1 Explosive Conventional deadlifts: 5x2 with 120kg/264lbx2 Overall very happy with this cycle. No missed reps, weaker on no lifts and setting small PRs. Happy for the deload next week.